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Research project participation as Principal or Co- investigator:
- 84-86 East Greenland Current Project (development of geophysical methods) (NAT)
- 87 Marginal Ice Zone Experiment (MIZEX) (NAT)
- 87-93 Danish and International Greenland Sea Project (GSP) (NAT)
- 93-99 ESOP (European Subpolar Ocean Programme phase 1 and 2, EEC/MAST-II/III initiative) (EC) (On the International Steering Committee)
- 94-96 Project for Estimation of Long-term variability in Ice Concentration (PELICON) (EC)
- 97-99 Integrated use of new Microwave Satellite data for improved sea Ice Observation (IMSI) (EC)
- 98-00 SEa ice in the Antarctic LInked with OceaN-atmosphere forcing (SEALION) (EC)
- 00-02 Integrated Weather, Sea Ice and Ocean Service System (IWICOS) (EC)
- 00-03 Marginal Ice Zone Model for the US National Ice Center (MIZMO)
- 01-03 CONVECTION (Convection mechanisms in the Greenland Sea) (EC)
- 02-05 IOMASA (Integrated Observing and Modeling of the Arctic Sea ice and Atmosphere) (EC)
- 02-05 GreenICE (Greenland Arctic Shelf Ice and Climate Experiment) (EC)
- 05-09 DAMOCLES, (FP7) (EC)
- 05- PolarView 1+2, (ESA) project on distribution of e.g. SAR based sea ice information to end-users (ESA)
- 06-08 SatelliteEye, Danish project, Satellite data in the Classroom (NAT)
- 08-15 MyOcean, Production of SAR based sea ice products for ice/ocean model data assimilation (EC)
- 08-09 GreenARC (Fieldwork in Arctic Ocean North of Greenland) (NAT)
- 09 LOMROG2 cruise to Arctic Ocean area of North Pole (NAT)
- 10-13 Greenland Climate Research Center (NAT)
- 10-14 ICEMAR (Ice and ocean information to end-users) (EC)
- 11-18 ESA Climate Change Initiative, Sea-Ice (ESA) – Phase 1+2
- 14-16 High Resolution Wide Swath SAR (HRWS), (ESA)
- 14-16 PolarICE (EC FP7) – Distribution of ice/weather information to end-users
- 14-18 ICE-ARC (Ice, Climate, Economics – Arctic Research on Change) (EC FP7)
- 14-17 JAXA RA5 project: Optimal Estimation of ice parameters from AMSR2 data (organization of 2 workshops)
- 15- SPICES (H2020)
- 15- Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS)
- 16-17 (A+5) ESA Arctic+ YOPP
- 17- ASIP (Automated Sea Ice Products (for Greenland Waters))
- 18-21. KEPLER (Key Environmental monitoring for Polar Latitudes and European Readiness)
- 19-20. CIMR-MRC (Mission requirement Consolidation for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer)
- 19- AI4Arctic (The use of Artificial Intelligence in Arctic Monitoring)